What You Need to Know About NFPA 70E Training Requirements
December 18, 2022Why arc flash training is important
December 25, 2022NFPA 70E Training helps workers understand and comply with the requirements of the National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace (NFPA 70E), focusing on the proper use of electrical safety equipment at work.
It covers topics such as shock, arc flash, arc blast, and other electrical safety hazards. It also outlines safe work practices, procedures, and control measures to prevent electrical injuries. The training lasts for six hours, covering all possible topics.
Training Requirements for Qualified Employees
A “qualified” employee performs electrical work. They should have technical abilities to maintain, troubleshoot, and install electrical equipment properly while applying the learnings or knowledge learned from their professional training.
1. Learn Electrical Policies and Procedures
Employees should be aware of the company’s electrical policies and procedures. They should understand how to work with electrical components safely, identify shock, arc flash, and arc blast hazards, and select and use the proper Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
2. Distinguish Exposed, Energized Conductors and Circuits
Employees should understand how to distinguish exposed, energized conductors and circuits. They should be able to recognize the differences between grounded, ungrounded, and double-insulated electrical systems and the risks associated with each.
3. Assess Associated Risks
Employees should know how to assess associated risks and determine the appropriate level of protection needed for the task at hand. They should understand the importance of using the right equipment for the job, such as insulated tools and lockout/tag-out procedures.
4. Identify Electrical Hazards
Employees should be able to identify electrical hazards, such as frayed wiring, damaged cords and plugs, overloaded circuits, and other sources of electrical shock. They should also be able to identify electrical components that may be exposed to water or other conductive liquids.
5. Select Appropriate Risk Control Methods
Employees should be able to select the appropriate risk control methods to prevent or reduce the risks associated with electrical hazards. These may include personal protective equipment, engineering controls, administrative controls, and safe work practices.
Training Requirements for Unqualified Employees
Despite indirectly working with electrical work, “unqualified” employees should still learn or familiarize themselves with electrical-related safety practices for their well-being. They may still work on basic electrical tasks like operating disconnect switches.
1. Organizational Level Electrical Safety Program
Electrical safety is an integral part of any workplace, and an effective electrical safety program is essential for protecting your employees and your business. While the responsibility for electrical safety falls on all employees, having a comprehensive electrical safety program is necessary to ensure everyone follows the same safety protocols.
2. Administrative Requirements of NFPA 70E
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70E is the standard for electrical safety in the workplace. It outlines the administrative requirements for an electrical safety program, including developing an electrical safety policy, identifying hazards, and implementing and enforcing safety procedures.
3. Job Task Analysis
A job task analysis is a critical part of any electrical safety program. It evaluates all the tasks associated with a job, identifies potential hazards, and outlines the necessary safety procedures and controls. The job task analysis should be performed for all electrical components and updated regularly to ensure that all safety requirements are met.
The NFPA 70E is the standard for electrical safety in the workplace. It outlines the administrative requirements for an electrical safety program and guides job task analysis to identify potential hazards and implement necessary safety procedures. By following these guidelines, employers can ensure that their employees are safe from electrical hazards.
Facility Results offers on-site arc flash training and NFPA 70E training solutions in the country. As the leaders in the industry, we take pride in ensuring our trainees will know precisely what to do to keep themselves and their teammates safe while on the job. Visit our website and enroll in our training classes today.