How often is arc flash training required according to the NFPA 70E?

What is arc flash training based on the NFPA 70E Standard?
January 10, 2023
How to do a arc flash analysis
January 10, 2023
What is arc flash training based on the NFPA 70E Standard?
January 10, 2023
How to do a arc flash analysis
January 10, 2023

How often is arc flash training required according to the NFPA 70E?

The National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) 70E Standard for Electrical Safety in the Workplace recommends that workers who are exposed to electrical hazards receive annual or biannual safety-related training. It also states that retraining is necessary when the employee’s job changes, when the employee does not demonstrate safe electrical work practices, or if there is a new or increased electrical hazard in the workplace.

This means that employers are required to provide annual or bi-annual training to employees who work on or near electrical equipment and systems that have the potential to generate an arc flash hazard to ensure that employees are aware of the hazards and how to protect themselves. The training should be updated when the employees’ job change, when they don’t demonstrate safe electrical work practices, or when there are new or increased hazards in the workplace.

It’s important to note that the NFPA 70E is a consensus standard, which means it is not a mandatory regulation. Local authorities can adopt it, insurance companies, or even employers voluntarily. However, many organizations adopt this standard as it is widely considered the industry’s benchmark for safety in electrical work, and compliance with it is often a requirement in contracts.

In summary, the NFPA 70E recommends that workers exposed to electrical hazards receive safety-related training and that retraining is necessary not to exceed three years.