Engineer-Assisted Analysis

Maximize internal resources by combining them with FlashTrack™ for data collection and a behind-the-scenes analysis of Facility Results!

Engineer-Assisted Analysis

Our experts in Arc Flash Studies and NFPA 70E training are happy to assess your resources! An Engineer-Assisted Analysis would assess your current resources and enhance them with FlashTrack™. FlashTrack™ is the number one software tool for Arc Flash training and data collection, designed to keep your team informed and safe. Combine FlashTrack™ with an engineer–assisted analysis and get a masterful 1-2 punch for compliance!


Data Collection:

Control costs by using your resources or contractors to collect data with the help of FlashTrack™.

Engineer-Assisted Analysis (Arc Flash Studies):

Upload the data to Facility Results, where their licensed Professional Engineers will perform a complete and accurate energy analysis and generate comprehensive one-line reports and all required labels.

Label Installation:

Upon receiving the energy analysis reports and labels, you can once again realize in-house savings by using your resources (internal or contract) to label all equipment using labels and a comprehensive Label Installation Report. Facility Results offers the only such report in the industry, complete with up to four images to aid in the placement of each label.

And More:

Optional reports are available, including a Coordination Study for coordinating protected equipment and/or a Mitigation Study for decreasing hazard levels. This is one of the most cost-effective ways to approach an Engineer-Assisted Analysis. We can help your company achieve OSHA & NFPA standards, keeping you compliant with the industry. Most importantly, it would give your team the knowledge they need to stay safe. Keep them even safer with our training and other products, such as the Easypower software.

Other Related Services:

Onsite Arc Flash Training
Hazard/Risk Category (HRC) Assessment
FlashTables™ based on IEEE 1584
Turnkey Incident Energy Analysis

Keeping your team successful and safe starts with Facility Results!

Our industry-leading training will provide the highest level of knowledge in the most cost-effective platform. Our ISHN Readers’ Choice Award-Winning NFPA 70E Arc Flash training (Electrical Safety) for Qualified Workers can be done in 2-hours and meets the requirements for OSHA & NFPA 70E.

We will travel to your site.
Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida. Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

New York, NY, Los Angeles, CA, Chicago, IL, Brooklyn, NY, Queens, NY, Houston, TX, Manhattan, NY, Philadelphia, PA, Phoenix, AZ, San Antonio, TX, Bronx, NY, San Diego, CA, Dallas, TX, San Jose, CA, East San Gabriel Valley, CA, Austin, TX, Jacksonville, FL, San Francisco, CA, Indianapolis, IN, Columbus, OH, Toledo, OH, Fort Worth, TX, Charlotte, NC, Detroit, MI, El Paso, TX, Seattle, WA, Denver, CO, Washington, DC, Memphis, TN, Boston, MA, Nashville, TN, Baltimore, MD, Murfreeboro, TN, Oklahoma City, OK, Portland, OR, Las Vegas, NV, Milwaukee, WI, Albuquerque, NM, Tucson, AZ, Fresno, CA, East Seattle, WA, Central Contra Costa, CA, Sacramento, CA, Staten Island, NY, Long Beach, CA, Northeast Tarrant, TX, Kansas City, MO, Mesa, AZ, Northwest Harris, TX, Atlanta, GA, Northeast Jefferson, CO, Virginia Beach, VA, Omaha, NE, Colorado Springs, CO, Raleigh, NC, Miami, FL, Oakland, CA, Minneapolis, MN, Tulsa, OK, Holland, OH, Grand Rapids, MI, Ann Arbor, MI, Battle Creek, MI